Club Atlantis Dental


Cavities services offered in Miami Beach, FL

Up to 25% of Americans ages 20-65 have at least one cavity. At Club Atlantis Dental in Miami Beach, Florida, Mayra Lopez, DDS, and the team specialize in diagnosing and treating cavities. Depending on the severity of the damage, they might recommend a filling or a custom dental crown. Call Club Atlantis Dental today to receive treatment for cavities, or book your appointment online.

My teeth hurt. Is it cavities?

It could be. Cavities are holes in your teeth. They occur when the bacteria in your mouth produce acid, eroding the outer layer of your teeth (enamel). Without treatment, the damage spreads, increasing your risk of infection and pain.

What are the symptoms of cavities?

Cavity symptoms include:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Toothache or mouth pain
  • Bleeding gums 
  • Facial swelling
  • Bad breath

Tooth decay occurs in stages, so you might not realize there’s an issue at first. Routine checkups at Club Atlantis Dental can alert you to tooth decay early on when it’s easiest to treat. 

Who is at risk of cavities?

Cavities affect people of all ages, but several things can increase your risk, including having a dry mouth or a family history of tooth decay. Other factors that contribute to tooth decay include eating and drinking starchy foods or sugary drinks and gum recession.

How does a dentist diagnose cavities?

Your Club Atlantis Dental provider reviews your dental records, asks about your symptoms, and performs an oral exam. They use handheld instruments to examine your teeth and check for enamel damage and tooth sensitivity. They also take a series of 3D digital X-rays to check for cavities and decay beneath the gumline.

How are cavities treated?

Treatment of cavities depends on various factors. The Club Atlantis Dental team might suggest:


If you have minor tooth decay, your provider prescribes a fluoride treatment. Fluoride remineralizes your tooth enamel and reverses the damage. To complement the treatment, your dentist prescribes fluoride-infused toothpaste and mouthwash.

Dental fillings

A filling repairs a hole in your tooth caused by decay. Club Atlantis Dental offers traditional metal amalgam fillings and tooth-colored fillings made of composite resin.

Root canal therapy

If you have advanced tooth decay, the Club Atlantis Dental team might recommend root canal therapy. A root canal removes the soft center of your tooth (pulp) and replaces it with gutta-percha (a synthetic material). After treatment, your dentist covers your tooth with a dental crown, restoring its shape, size, and appearance. 

How can I reduce my risk of cavities?

To reduce your risk of cavities, the Club Atlantis Dental team recommends practicing good oral hygiene. Cut back on sugary and starchy foods, brush and floss your teeth daily, and schedule dental checkups twice a year.

Call Club Atlantis Dental today to request a cavity consultation, or book your appointment online.