Club Atlantis Dental


Veneers services offered in Miami Beach, FL

Consider veneers if you dream of having a balanced, beautiful, and bright white smile. At Club Atlantis Dental in Miami Beach, Florida, Mayra Lopez, DDS, and the team use dental veneers to cover minor oral imperfections, like chips, cracks, and gaps between the teeth. Call Club Atlantis Dental today to schedule a veneer consultation, or book your appointment online.

I have a broken tooth. Can veneers help?

Yes. Veneers are thin porcelain shells bonded to the front of your incisors –– the teeth at the front of your mouth. Veneers minimize oral imperfections and transform your smile’s appearance. 

What types of cosmetic issues do veneers correct?

The Club Atlantis Dental team uses veneers to correct a variety of minor cosmetic issues, including:

  • Chipped and broken teeth
  • Yellow and stained teeth
  • Gaps between the teeth
  • Black triangles
  • Smaller-than-average teeth

Veneers provide an effective treatment for pointy and abnormally shaped teeth.

I have a cavity. Can I still get veneers?

Placing veneers requires healthy teeth and gums. If the Club Atlantis Dental team identifies any underlying oral issues, like cavities or gum disease, they treat those conditions first. After your mouth heals, they can then move forward with veneer treatment. 

Does getting veneers take more than one appointment?

Yes. Getting veneers at Club Atlantis Dental takes two visits.

Your dentist completes an oral exam and takes X-rays to check for gum disease and tooth decay. If your mouth is healthy, they administer a local anesthetic and shave a thin layer of enamel from each tooth. 

Your provider takes virtual impressions after removing the tooth enamel and sends them to a dental lab. Techs at the lab use your impressions to create a set of custom porcelain veneers. 

When your veneers are finished, you return to Club Atlantis Dental. Your dentist administers a local anesthetic and bonds the veneers to the front of your teeth.  

You can bite and chew immediately after veneer placement. Porcelain is strong, durable, and capable of withstanding the general wear-and-tear caused by eating. 

Do veneers last a lifetime?

Dental veneers don’t last a lifetime, but they can last 12-15 years* and sometimes longer. To keep your veneers in optimal condition, practice good oral hygiene. The Club Atlantis Dental team recommends brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing regularly, and scheduling routine preventive care.

Prevent damage to your veneers by wearing a mouthguard while playing sports and avoiding bad habits. For example, it’s essential to avoid nail-biting and opening plastic packaging with your teeth. 

Call Club Atlantis Dental today to see if you’re a candidate for dental veneers, or book your consultation online.

*Results may vary.